Company Alerts

We’re unique in our approach as our team of market analysts track and process qualified key business alerts that are vital to discover more potential opportunities to expand your business and to strengthen the business strategies by perceiving hot companies that matter. We curate data signals such as who gets funding, into merger and acquisition, where the leadership changes, what risks, market-leading portfolios clubbing to produce market insights, reports, in an accurate, effective, and quick turnaround way.

Special Alerts Funding, M&A and more

Our team of market analysts track and process a number of companies who get funding and capture every M&A activity on a daily basis. Funding data is being processed with more relevant information such as valuation amount, lead investor, funding type etc. and M&A alerts will have information like acquisition amount, type.


Competitive Intelligence Report

Stay ahead of your competitor every time. Our comprehensive intelligent team builds precise data that will empower you to make well-informed decisions and formulate effective business strategies to stay one step ahead of your competition. Our team of experts give competitor profiling, competitor benchmarking, business model analysis, and make a continuous progress to track down and keep you updated through updating your database.


Product & Pricing Research

We help the organizations measure the impact of change on prices on the demand of any product and also determine the optimal price for new/existing products. We carry on rigorous analysis of products with respect to the main functions, sub-functions, categories, and so on. Our competitive intelligence market research team enables you to find your competitor strategy and help identify which pricing strategies attract, or repel.


Events Tracking

If you are looking to have the database to broaden your business opportunities to ideal investors or partners or clients or sponsors through business events, then Team lessburn would be the right choice to acquire all the details like the number of participants, who are the nominees, who are the sponsors or got the awards, and so on for the events held across the globe based on your custom requirements.


Our Expertise

Our hand-curation team deals with comprehensive B2B information and provides precise and predictive data through sourcing, validating, enhancing the existing data. Our team consists of,

  • Web Researchers
  • Market Researchers
  • Market Analysts
  • Web Scrapers
  • Pricing Analysts
  • Product Analysts
  • Data Analysts
  • Data Scientists

Data Matters To Reach, Reciprocate & Reinvent

Big businesses aren’t the only ones who can take data-driven decisions. Small businesses can get the advantages, too. We are taking care of the end-to-end data processing that helps you to know about your prospects and helps you to improve nearly every aspect of your business.

  • Sourcing
  • Processing
  • Cleansing
  • Validation
  • Conversion
  • Enrichment
  • Collection
  • Integration
  • Mining
  • Scraping
  • Mapping
  • Analysis
  • Licensing
  • Management
  • Entry
  • Aggregation
Our Ops Excellence

Eight Stages of Data Vetting Process

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Certification Test
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Weekly Reviews
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